Notebook Blog

Gray Line

The shareholders, associates, and counsels of Boutin Jones provide insight into the legal matters most pertinent to the members of our California business community.

Don’t Roll the Dice on Discovery Deadlines – It Will Cost You

Pete Rose once said, “Unfortunately, gambling and winning don’t often go hand-in-hand.” A recent appellate court decision…

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Cracking The Armor Of An Arbitration Award

As California Courts continue to be impacted by the pandemic, and litigants are experiencing long delays on…

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Careful What You Contract For … You Just Might Get It.

Careful What You Contract For … You Just Might Get It. “Contracts are, by their very nature,…

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ATVs and the FRCP: Two Reasons To Use Due Care

A recent case, Liberty Ins. Co. v. Brodeur, serves as a reminder to take care when making…

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Dark Patterns: Will Your Website Be CPRA Compliant?

In May, the California Privacy Protection Agency released draft regulations scheduled to take effect on next January….

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Homeowner, Know Thy Boundaries: Good Fences, Good Neighbors, & Expensive Disputes

You’ve had that shed, garage, or patio for years. You know, the one that goes right up…

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When a lawsuit is filed, Code of Civil Procedure section 1281 et seq. allows a party (often…

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Best Practices for Enforceability of Online Agreements

If you run a business, you probably want to make sure your website’s terms and conditions legally…

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Race to Justice: Labor Code Section 925 Allows Suits in Multiple Venues

A recent change in California law aimed at helping employees litigate their claims in this state was…

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